phoneBratislava, Vajnorská 127/A phone+421 907 60 60 60

Price List

For driver max. weight 130 kg and max. heigt 190 cm.


Mandatory registration 

  2,- EUR

First time only and entitles you for our discount system
Hygiene balaclava
  2,50- EUR
Hygienic mask is required for our helmets, You can use your own mask or your helmet
1 child race



Child with height from 130cm to 150cm.The engine power  will
be limited from 1 to 2 depending on the child skills
child race


1 standart race

The engine power will be limited speed 3 + kers. Standard length of 10 minutes,the time measurement is 8 minutes from the start

adult race
After beating the 38,5 second limit per lap,
you can by the race with maximum engine power
adult race

2 Drive kart for OUTDOOR

15,-/20,- EUR
  15,-EUR Adult and child    20,-EUR Adult and Adult
2 seat kart
1 hour kart renting max 7 carts
on our track Monday till Friday
500,-EUR Indoor/Outdoor
In the rent of the karts and the hall we   provide complete room of your choice,
the bar or the conference room.
carting rent

1 hour kart renting max 8 carts

on our track Monday till Friday

560,-EUR Indoor/Outdoor

In the rent of the karts and the hall we   provide complete room of your choice,

the bar or the conference room. 

carting rent

 1 hour kart renting max 9 carts
on our track Monday till Friday
620,-EUR Indoor/Outdoor
In the rent of the karts and the hall we provide complete room of your choice,
the bar or the conference room.
carting rent
1 hour kart renting max 10 carts
on our track Monday till Friday
680,-EUR Indoor/Outdoor
In the rent of the karts and the hall we provide complete room of your choice,
the bar or the conference room.
carting rent
1 hour 10 kart renting  on our track
Saturday, Sunday, bank holiday
780,-EUR Indoor/Outdoor
 In the rent of the karts and the hall we provide complete room of your choice,
the bar or the conference room.
carting rent
1 hour renting conference room
- with service
The renting of the room behind glass for celebrations
or conferencing with training technology for 6 and more people.
room rent
Book on an hourly basis, minimum 1/2 hour calculated with this price list. 
Gift vouchers for pre-paid driving.
The reservation time includes mandatory training for new riders. All participants must be present at least 15 minutes prior to the event start.
In case of such a delay no free time expansion will be granted!
The price includes rental of branded homologated helmets, homologated neck-protection "the Horseshoe" and homologated rib-protection "the Vest".
We do not reserve Rides alone​.

Minimum payment by card from 5, -EUR​

Price includes VAT.


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